Trip Reports
All boaties, whether they are a member of Coastguard or not, are encouraged to lodge a Trip Report (TR) when they launch. Your report should include the boat name and call sign, number of people on board (POB), where you launched, the area you are heading to, and the time you intend returning (ETR).
Our Radio Operators note this information and in the event that assistance is required, we have basic information on hand.
When lodging a Trip Report, call Coastguard Radio on VHF Channel 61, and address your call to "Coastguard Radio".
When you arrive back to the ramp or your berth, remember to close your Trip Report by calling Coastguard Radio.
Click here to download a Trip Report form
Example Trip Report
"Coastguard Radio, Coastguard Radio, Coastguard Radio.
This is Majestic (vessel name), Majestic, Majestic, ZMQ 4563 (call sign), over."
Wait for reply
"Coastguard Radio. This is Majestic. Lodging a Trip Report.
We are leaving Kinloch Marina, 4 POB, heading to Cherry Bay, ETR 1600hrs, over"
Wait for reply
"Majestic out"